Compact intra-cavity spectroscopic measurements may be obtained with any ma
terial that has an absorption signature under the gain bandwidth of a fiber
laser. Experiments have demonstrated that compared with a regular absorpti
on scheme, an increase in sensitivity is achieved when using the intra-cavi
ty configuration. The practical limit for this enhancement is given by the
fiber laser noise. Since intra-cavity spectroscopy is essentially a single
beam technique, the application of dual-beam noise reduction techniques is
not possible. However, considering that a single-mode fiber can support two
modes of polarisation, we have used a polarization beam splitter to create
two independent cavities (x and y polarization) with the same noise, one c
avity of which contains the absorber. For the first time, this permits the
convenient use of Balanced Ratio-metric Detection in conjunction with an in
tra-cavity absorption arrangement.