Sequences of Aotus nancymaae immunoglobulin kappa light-chain rearrangement
s were analyzed after reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Amon
g 22 in-frame rearrangements analyzed, 12 IGKV genes belonging to the famil
ies 1, 2, or 3 were identified. Aotus counterparts for all five human IGKJ
genes were found. The identity of the deduced human and Aotus amino acid se
quences was between 83% and 92% for junctional regions and 74% for the cons
tant region. Sequence comparisons between rearrangements indicated that som
atic mutations, the addition of non-germline-encoded nucleotides, and exonu
clease trimming contribute to the generation of diversity of Aotus immunogl
obulin kappa chains. The high identity of Aotus and human IGK genes is comp
arable to that of T-cell receptor genes and further supports the proposal t
o use the Aotus Plasmodium falciparum infection model far the evaluation of
malaria vaccine candidates.