The influence of self-concept and relationship on life satisfaction of adol
escents was examined in 1099 Hong Kong Chinese junior high school children.
Based on past research, it was hypothesised that self-concept and relation
ship are not independent of each other, and that they both have direct cont
ribution toward the perception of life satisfaction in adolescents. Data we
re analysed using the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique. To tes
t our hypotheses, we first proposed a structural model with self-concept an
d relationship as latent constructs and predictors of life satisfaction. Th
e data collected were then fitted to the model by SEM. The results generall
y showed that the data fit the model well and that our hypotheses were conf
irmed. Specifically, it was demonstrated that the relationship construct ex
erts a greater influence on life satisfaction than the self-concept constru
ct. For the relationship construct, parent-child relationship is much more
important than school-child relationship. The resultant structural model th
erefore provides a concise summary of the existing data on life satisfactio
n of adolescents but its general application requires replication and valid
ation in other cultural contexts.