Phase feeding is a term used to describe the feeding of several diets for a
relatively short period of time in order to closely meet the pigs' nutrien
t requirements. With current feeding strategy, it is not likely to meet the
animals' nutrients requirement which rapidly changes according to their ag
e. By phase feeding, the nutrient requirements could be met more closely an
d it provides a more economical and environmentally sound feeding program f
or the pig. From numerous research results, pigs reared on phase feeding pr
ogram seemed to grow as well as pigs reared on conventional feeding program
(usually one or two phase feeding in finishing period). However, nutrients
excretion could be dramatically reduced with phase feeding program. Reduce
d amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus were reported by various researchers.
To apply phase feeding into practical swine industry, digestibility or avai
lability of ingredients, gender, genetics, growth potential, physiological
status of the animals and feed additives should be carefully considered as
these factors will affect the growth performance and nutrient utilization o
f the animals. Phase feeding can be applied more efficiently when producers
have computerized feeding system. Thus there might be a need to define app
ropriate number of phases and proper levels of nutrients supply for pigs of
each growth stage.