Positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imagin
g (fMRI) have been extensively used to explore the functional neuroanatomy
of cognitive functions. Here we review 275 PET and fMRI studies of attentio
n (sustained, selective, Stroop, orientation, divided), perception (object,
face, space/motion, smell), imagery (object, space/motion), language (writ
ten/spoken word recognition, spoken/no spoken response), working memory (ve
rbal/numeric, object, spatial, problem solving), semantic memory retrieval
(categorization, generation), episodic memory encoding (verbal, object, spa
tial), episodic memory retrieval (verbal, nonverbal, success, effort, mode,
context), priming (perceptual, conceptual), and procedural memory (conditi
oning, motor, and nonmotor skill learning). To identify consistent activati
on patterns associated with these cognitive operations, data from 412 contr
asts were summarized at the level of cortical Brodmann's areas, insula, tha
lamus, medial-temporal lobe (including hippocampus), basal ganglia, and cer
ebellum. For perception and imagery, activation patterns included primary a
nd secondary regions in the dorsal and ventral pathways. For attention and
working memory, activations were usually found in prefrontal and parietal r
egions. For language and semantic memory retrieval, typical regions include
d left prefrontal and temporal regions. For episodic memory encoding, consi
stently activated regions included left prefrontal and medial-temporal regi
ons. For episodic memory retrieval, activation patterns included prefrontal
, medial-temporal, and posterior midline regions. For priming, deactivation
s in prefrontal (conceptual) or extrastriate (perceptual) regions were cons
istently seen. For procedural memory, activations were found in motor as we
ll as in non-motor brain areas. Analysis of regional activations across cog
nitive domains suggested that several brain regions, including the cerebell
um, are engaged by a variety of cognitive challenges. These observations ar
e discussed in relation to functional specialization as well as functional