Crystal growth experiments were conducted by: (a) melting together two III-
V compounds (InAs, GaSb) and (b) melting together one III-V compound (InSb
or GaSb) and one II-VI compound (CdTe or HgTe). These melts contain four di
fferent atoms, but in comparison to the conventional quaternary alloys A(x)
C(1-x)B(y)D(1-y), have a constrain in the composition given by x = y, and t
herefore can be designated as "quasi-binary". The composition of these melt
s is (AB)(1-x)(CD)(x). Bulk crystals were produced from these melts by dire
ctional solidification and Czochralski pulling. Our goal was to determine w
hether the grown crystals will remain "quasi-binary" or, due to segregation
will turn conventional quaternary x not equal y. The grown crystals were f
ree of cracks, which call be explained by low lattice mismatch. Using the e
lectron probe micro-analysis (EPMA). it was determined that quasi-binary (I
nSb)(1-x)(CdTe)(x) crystals were obtained. The other systems yielded conven
tional quaternary specimens with x not equal y. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B
.V. All rights reserved.