The roles that the myelin galactolipids galactocerebroside (GalC) and sulfa
tide play in cellular differentiation, myelin formation and maintenance hav
e been investigated for nearly 3 decades. During that time the primary appr
oach has been to perturb lipid activity using antibodies and chemical agent
s in artificial systems. Recently, the isolation of the gene that encodes U
DP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT), the enzyme that catalyze
s an essential step in the synthetic pathway of GalC and sulfatide, has ena
bled the generation of mice that lack myelin galactolipids. These mice disp
lay a severe tremor, hindlimb paralysis and electrophysiological defects. I
n addition, the CGT null mutants exhibit: 1) impaired oligodendrocyte diffe
rentiation, 2) myelin sheaths that are thin, incompletely compacted and uns
table, and 3) structural abnormalities in the nodal and paranodal regions i
ncluding disrupted axo-glial junctions. Collectively, these findings sugges
t that GalC and sulfatide are essential in myelin formation and maintenance
, possibly by mediating intra- and intercellular interactions.