Neuronal apoptosis induced in cortical cultures by exposure to serum depriv
ation, staurosporine, nifedipine, or C2-ceramide was assayed by lactate deh
ydrogenase (LDH) release or inhibition of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)2,5-d
iphenyl bromide (MTT) reduction. The protective effects of neurotrophin-4,
Z-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone (ZVAD), and cycloheximide against each ins
ult were also assayed. The level of injury for each insult was similar whet
her determined by LDH release or inhibition of MTT reduction, but effects o
f anti-apoptotic agents were assay dependent. ZVAD and cycloheximide protec
ted neurons from nifedipine-induced death, when assayed by LDH release, but
not MTT reduction. In contrast, only cycloheximide attenuated C2-ceramide-
induced LDH release, while ZVAD and cycloheximide actually enhanced the C2-
ceramide induced inhibition of MTT reduction. Counting of trypan blue posit
ive cells provided results consistent with values obtained using the LDH as
say. These results indicate that both LDH release and MTT reduction accurat
ely determine apoptotic death of neurons. However, the MTT assay does not a
lways correctly quantify neuroprotective effects, this likely reflects diff
erences in the point of the death pathway that the neuroprotective agents a
ct. Therefore, while the MTT assay is of limited value in assessing the eff
icacy of neuroprotective strategies, it may provide information regarding w
hether specific anti-apoptotic agents act up or downstream of mitochondrial
dysfunction. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.