Object. The insula is located at the base of the sylvian fissure and is a p
otential site for pathological processes such as turners and vascular malfo
rmations. Knowledge of insular anatomy and vascularization is essential to
perform accurate microsurgical procedures in this region.
Methods. Arterial vascularization of the insula was studied in 20 human cad
aver blains (40 hemispheres). The cerebral arteries were perfused with red
latex to enhance their visibility, and they were dissected with the aid of
an operating microscope.
Arteries supplying the insula numbered an average of 96 (lange 77-112). The
ir mean diameter measured 0.23 mm (range 0.1-0.8 mm), and the origin of eac
h artery could be traced to the middle cerebral artery (MCA), predominantly
the M-2 segment. In 22 hemispheres (55%), one to six insular arteries aros
e from the M-1 segment of the MCA and supplied the region of the limen insu
lae. In an additional 10 hemispheres (25%), one or two insular arteries aro
se from the M-3 segment of the MCA and supplied the region of either the su
perior or inferior periinsular sulcus. The insular arteries primarily suppl
y the insular cortex, extreme capsule, and, occasionally, the claustrum and
external capsule, but not the putamen, globus pallidus, or internal capsul
e, which are vascularized by the lateral lenticulostriate: arteries (LLAs).
However, an average of 9.9 (range four-14) insular arteries in each hemisp
here, mostly in the posterior insular region, were similar to perforating a
rteries and some of these supplied the corona radiata. Larger, more promine
nt insular arteries (insuloopercular arteries) were also observed (an avera
ge of 3.5 per hemisphere, range one-seven). These coursed across the surfac
e of the insula and then looped laterally, extending branches to the medial
surfaces of the opercula.
Conclusions. Complete comprehension of the intricate vascularization patter
ns associated with the insula, as well as proficiency in insular anatomy, a
n prerequisites to accomplishing appropriate surgical planning and, ultimat
ely to completing successful exploration and removal of pathological lesion
s in this region.