To the best of our knowledge there is only one example of a lattice system
with long-range two-body interactions whose ground states have been determi
ned exactly: the one-dimensional lattice gas with purely repulsive and stri
ctly convex interactions, Its ground-state particle configurations do not d
epend on any other details of the interactions and are known as the general
ized Wigner lattices or the most homogeneous particle configurations. The q
uestion of the stability of this beautiful and universal result against cer
tain perturbations of the repulsive and convex interactions is interesting
in itself Additional motivations for studying such perturbations come from
surface physics (adsorption on crystal surfaces) and theories of correlated
fermion systems (recent results on ground-state particle configurations of
the one-dimensional spinless Falicov-Kimball model). As a first step, we s
tudied a one-dimensional lattice pas whose two-body interactions are repuls
ive and strictly convex only From distance 2 on, while its value at distanc
e 1 can be positive or negative, but close to zero. We showed that such a m
odification makes the ground-state particle configurations sensitive to the
tail of the interactions; if the sum of the strengths of the interactions
fi om the distance 3 on is small with respect to the strength of the intera
ction at distance 2. then particles form two-particle lattice-connected agg
regates that ale distributed in the most homogeneous way. Consequently, des
pite breaking of the convexity property. the ground state exhibits the feat
ure known as the complete devil's staircase.