Magnesium and oxidative status were investigated in young volunteers expose
d to chronic stress (political intolerance, awareness of potential military
attacks, permanent stand-by duty and reduced holidays more than 10 years)
or subchronic stress consisting of everyday mortal danger in military actio
ns lasting more than 3 months. Significant decreases in plasma ionized Mg2, total Mg and ionized Ca2+ concentrations were found in both groups. Simil
arly, both study groups exhibited oxidative stress as assessed by increased
plasma superoxide anions and malondialdehyde and modified antioxidant defe
nse. There were no significant differences between the two stress groups. A
negative correlation between magnesium balance and oxidative stress was ob
served suggesting that the same etiological factor (chronic stress) initiat
e decreases in both free and total magnesium concentrations and simultaneou
sly increase oxidative stress intensity. These findings support the need fo
r magnesium supplementation with antioxidant vitamins for people living in
conditions of chronic stress.