The latent structure and neuroanatomical correlates of three experimen
tal tests of executive function, derived from Luria's (1966) work, wer
e investigated in a sample of epilepsy surgery candidates (N = 64). Th
e tests required integrity of elementary hand movements in addition to
executive ability, but were intended primarily to address the latter.
As expected, results of a principal components analysis suggested tha
t the latent structure of the three new tests was executive rather tha
n motor. To explore their sensitivity to frontal lobe dysfunction, the
data were entered into a discriminant function analysis with seizure
onset location (frontal, temporal) as the dependent variable. The comb
ined discriminating power of the three experimental measures was signi
ficant (chi(2)(3) = 17.2, p < .001), and overall accuracy of classific
ation was 82.8%. It is suggested that the three new tests of executive
function would make a useful addition to comprehensive neuropsycholog
ical evaluations of epilepsy surgery candidates.