Objective: To use functional MRI (fMRI) to determine which brain regions ar
e implicated when normal volunteers judge whether pretransected horizontal
Lines are correctly bisected (the Landmark test). Background: Manual line b
isection and a variant thereof involving perceptual judgments of pretransec
ted lines (the Landmark test) are widely used to assess unilateral visuospa
tial neglect in patients with neurologic disease. Although unilateral (left
) neglect most often results from lesions to right temporoparietal cortex,
the normal functional anatomy of the Landmark test has not been convincingl
y demonstrated. Methods: fMRI was carried out in 12 healthy right-handed ma
le volunteers who judged whether horizontal lines were correctly prebisecte
d. In the control task, subjects detected whether the horizontal lines cont
ained a transection mark irrespective of the position of that mark. Respons
e was by two-choice key press: on half the trials, subjects used the right,
and on half, the left hand. Statistical analysis of evoked blood oxygenati
on level-dependent responses, measured with echoplanar imaging, employed st
atistical parametric mapping. Results: Performing the Landmark task: showed
neural activity (p < 0.05, corrected) in the right superior posterior and
right inferior parietal lobe, early visual processing areas bilaterally, th
e cerebellar vermis, and the left cerebellar hemisphere. Only the latter ar
ea showed a significant interaction with hand used. Conclusions: The right
hemispheric dominance observed in inferior parietal cortex is consistent wi
th the results of lesion studies. Right superior parietal cortex, vermis, a
nd left cerebellar hemisphere have not been implicated in neglect, but all
appear to play a cognitive role in the Landmark task.