Corneal asphericity (the p-value, p) and apical corneal radius (ro) were ca
lculated for 63 Hong Kong-Chinese (39 male and 24 female), using the Topogr
aphic Modeling System (TMS-1). The values of p and ro in, and between, the
two principal meridians were compared, and the effects of refractive error
and gender were also investigated. The mean +/- SD r(o) and p along the fla
ttest meridian of the right eye were 7.82 +/- 0.26 mm and 0.78 +/- 0.12 res
pectively. The mean +/- SD r(o) and p along the steepest meridian of the ri
ght eye were 7.64 +/- 0.26 mm and 0.83 +/- 0.15 respectively. Meridional Va
riations were found in r(o) and in p. There was no correlation between p an
d ro along the two principal meridians. p was not significantly correlated
to the refractive error but r(o) was. Our results agree with previous findi
ngs that while males have longer r(o) than females, their p are not signifi
cantly different. (C) 2000 The College of Optometrists. Published by Elsevi
er Science Ltd. Ail rights reserved.