This study was conducted to determine the efficacy of procainamide therapy
for rapid rate control of postoperative junctional tachycardia (JT). Postop
erative JT is one of the most difficult forms of tachycardia to manage. Rep
orted success with a variety of treatments of JT in infants and children ha
s been inconsistent and limited. Rate control using procainamide was achiev
ed in 17 children having rapid JT (heart rate >200 beats/min) between 1986
and 1997. In the first 5 patients (protocol A), following a loading dose of
3 mg/kg over 20 minutes, a continuous procainamide infusion was initiated
at a rate of 20 mu g/kg/min. The infusion dose was increased in 10 mu g/kg
steps every 30 minutes to 40-120 mu g/kg/min until the heart rate decreased
below the target rate of 180 beats/min. In the other 12 patients (protocol
B), after a higher loading dose of 10 mg/kg the infusion rate was increase
d every 10-15 minutes until the heart rate decreased below the target rate
of 180 beats/min. Procainamide decreased JT rates in all patients but the r
esponse was significantly faster in protocol B. In the patients treated wit
h protocol A, pretreatment JT rates ranged from 203 to 240 (213 +/- 17) bea
ts/min and decreased to 195 +/- 10 beats/min at 2 hours (p, = ns), 186 +/-
8.8 at 4 hours (p < 0.02), and 179 +/- 8 at 6 hour postinitiation of PA. In
protocol B, pretreatment JT rates ranged from 201 to 240 (218 +/- 17) beat
s/min and decreased to 183 +/- 20 beats/min at 2 hours (p < 0.001) and 171
+/- 12 at 4 hours after starting the procainamide therapy. The mean duratio
n to decrease JT rates below the target rate of 180 beats/min was 3.2 +/- 1
.1 hours in protocol B compared to 6.4 +/- 3.8 hours in protocol A (p < 0.0
2). Eight of 12 patients in protocol B achieved rate control below the targ
et rate of 180 beats/min within 4 hours despite remaining on significant in
otropic support. The procainamide infusion rates to maintain heart rates be
low 180 beats/min were 40-120 (68.4 a 22.1) mu g/kg/min. No proarrhythmia,
bradycardia, or significant hypotension was observed. In this series procai
namide provided safe, effective, and rapid rate control of JT occurring in
the immediate postoperative period.