This work uses statistical energy analysis (SEA) to study noise transmissio
n through a commercial motor vehicle and in order to do this various sound
and vibration power inputs associated with flanking transmission via the ex
haust and engine noise are calculated. A modern commercial motor vehicle th
at has an exhaust noise sensitivity problem is studied in this work. The ai
m of this work is to demonstrate the application of SEA and to study the ef
fects on noise transmission when the exhaust is incorrectly fitted (misalig
Airborne and structural paths for sound and vibration transmission to a veh
icle saloon are considered. Also, the SEA framework is used to identify the
relative importance of each structural and airborne power input in relatio
n to the sound power that is transmitted to the vehicle saloon. It is shown
that the importance of each sound power input varies with frequency. At lo
w frequencies. sound transmission through the vehicle structure is most imp
ortant. At high frequencies, airborne flanking noise transmission to the fl
oor is important. In this case, exhaust vibration transmission is most impo
rtant at frequencies between 250 Hz and 1 kHz when the engine is running at
5700 r/min, and the SEA model predicts the change in performance associate
d with exhaust misalignment.