Experimental evidence supporting convergent character displacement is rare;
only one example exists and it is in the form of orientation and territory
competition experiments performed in the laboratory. However, outcomes of
laboratory experiments involving behaviour or competition can be artefacts
of unnatural conditions and, therefore, the results of the previous experim
ents supporting convergent character displacement are equivocal. In this st
udy, we re-examine the evolution of melanic nuptial coloration in male thre
e-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) inhabiting the Chehalis River
drainage in Washington State. This novel nuptial coloration has been thoug
ht to have evolved in response to competition for nesting territories with
the co-distributed Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi), which is also melan
ic and breeds at the same time. I found that melanic stickleback males did
not have an advantage over their red counterparts from typical populations
when competing for nesting territories with Olympic mudminnows. Additionall
y, competitive interactions between sticklebacks and mudminnows were rare i
n both cage experiments and naturally breeding sticklebacks. Finally, melan
ic coloration in the Chehalis populations did not develop until males were
parental, well after the hypothesized territory establishment period. These
results refute the only experimental support for convergent character disp
lacement and emphasize the importance of conducting behavioural experiments
and observations under natural conditions.