Powered supports of insufficient capacity may be unable to prevent roof fai
lure or falls at the longwall face or may result in structural damage under
intense roof activity, whereas a system of support that is heavier than ne
cessary can increase costs substantially. The design of a powered support s
ystem that will be appropriate under specific mining and roof conditions pr
esupposes knowledge of the relationship between support performance paramet
ers and parameters representative of the mining and roof conditions. Since
this relationship is characterized by uncertainty, nonlinearity and depende
nce on a multiplicity of factors, an approach founded on the theory of arti
ficial neural networks was selected. A computer program based on a back-pro
pagation training algorithm was written in C++ to derive the weighting fact
ors between inputs and outputs from field data; once these stabilized weigh
ting factors had been established two mathematical models were developed to
describe the relationship, The back-calculation of field data indicates th
at the results generated from the neural network models are much more accur
ate than those derived by traditional methods and can be used with a higher
level of confidence. The support density, possible yield frequency of face
supports and interval of periodic roof weighting under specific mining and
roof conditions can be determined by application of the artificial neural
network models that have been developed.