It is often argued lately that the private sector should be allowed to buil
d and operate roads in a transportation network at its own expense, in retu
rn it should receive the revenue from road toll charge within some years, a
nd then these roads will be transferred to the government. This type of bui
ld-operate-transfer (B-O-T) projects is currently fashionable worldwide, es
pecially for developing countries short of funds for road construction. One
of the important issues concerning a highway B-O-T project is the selectio
n of the capacity and toll charge of the new road and the evaluation of the
relevant benefits to the private investor, the road users and the whole so
ciety under various market conditions. This paper deals with the selection
and evaluation of a highway project under such a B-O-T scheme. For a given
road network with elastic demand, mathematical models are proposed to inves
tigate the feasibility of a candidate project and ascertain the optimal cap
acity and level of toll charge of the new highway. The response of road use
rs to the new B-O-T project is explicitly considered. The characteristic of
the problem is illustrated graphically with a numerical example. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.