Some of the most promising systems for the controlled release of bioactive
agents, i.e., peptides or hormones. involve the encapsulation or entrapment
of hormones or peptides in biocompatible polymeric devices that enable the
ir continuous release over prolonged periods. In urology, two major patholo
gic conditions. androgen deficiency and prostate cancer, currently benefit
from treatments based on controlled delivery. Leuprolide acetate depot (Lup
ron-depot) was one of the first controlled-delivery systems used for the tr
eatment of prostate cancer. Clinical studies indicate that patients with pr
ostate cancer who undergo therapy with leuprolide acetate depot can benefit
from this treatment. Currently available androgen-replacement therapies in
clude the oral administration of testosterone tablets or capsules. depot in
jections, sublingual treatment, and skin patches. However. side effects suc
h as metabolic inactivation of testosterone on oral administration: fluctua
tions in levels of the hormone: and burning, rash, and skin necrosis during
the use of skill patches may occur. These side effects may be avoided thro
ugh the application of encapsulated Leydig cells, which produce testosteron
e. Studies in our laboratory have shown that Leydig cells encapsulated in a
lginate/poly-L-lysine/alginate microspheres are capable of secreting testos
terone in culture and in vivo. Microencapsulated Leydig cells delivered int
raperitoneally into castrated rats: maintained a testosterone level of 0.51
ng/ml for more than 3 months without any human chorionic gonadotropin stim
ulation. Similar studies are also being conducted in our laboratory on enca
psulation of ovarian cells for the secretion of progesterone and estrogen i
n culture and in vivo using microencapsulation techniques.