Five species of dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, Phocoena ohocoena, Ph
ocoenoides dalli, Delphinus delphis, and Tursiops truncatus) were found in
the Aniva Bay. Two species, L. obliquidens and L. obliquidens and Ph. phoco
ena, predominated in the eastern part of the bay by frequency of their occu
rence. D. delphis and T. truncatus were met more rarely. The largest aggreg
ations of dolphins were characteristic of the southeastern part of the Aniv
a Bay (73%). The species, L. obliquidens and Ph. phocoena, occurred in the
northeastern part of this bay. In the southeastern portion of the Sakhalin
shelf three species of dolphins, Ph. dalli, Pit. phocoena, and Orcinus orca
, were observed. Ph. dalli was often met in the Terpeniya Bay and to the no
rth-east of the Terpeniya Cape. Single individuals and small groups of Ph.
phocoena were found in coastal areas, adjacent to the Lun'skii Bay. In the
Pil'tunskii Bay dolphins were not met.