Fourteen single-stem cantilever columns with various aspect ratios and axia
l-load ratios were tested on a shaketable. Test results are compared with s
tate-of-the-art methods used to calculate the strength and displacement cap
acity of columns. It was concluded that: a) large displacement and curvatur
e ductilities were achieved: even though some of the columns had much less
spiral reinforcement than required by modern codes; b) buckling of the long
itudinal reinforcing steel initiated failure in all columns; c) low-level d
isplacement cycling, less than that which causes buckling of the longitudin
al steel, softens the column but does not affect ductility capacity; d) the
effective plastic hinge length is not consistently Predicted by present me
thods, but the calculated displacement capacity using the predicted plastic
hinge length is conservative; and e) a possible increase in flexural stren
gth from dynamic excitation was observed.