Many slope stability studies have indicated that the infiltration of rainwa
ter into a slope decreases the stability of the slope. However, the difficu
lty of quantifying the effect of rainwater infiltration on slope stability
still exists. It would be advantageous to know what percentage of rainfall
enters a slope as infiltration and how much this infiltration decreases the
stability of a slope. Numerical models were used to study how infiltration
into a slope varied with respect to rainfall intensity and how this infilt
ration affected the stability of the slope. A numerical study revealed that
the amount of infiltration was highest at the crest of a slope. A case stu
dy revealed that it was difficult to quantify the amount of infiltration oc
curring in a slope with the numerical model. The numerical model was, howev
er, able to illustrate the effect of infiltration on slope stability throug
h the combined use of seepage and slope stability analyses. (C) 2000 Publis
hed by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.