We have performed a systematic clonal analysis to describe the modes of gro
wth, dispersion and production of cells during the development of the mouse
neural system. We have used mice expressing a LaacZ reporter gene under th
e control of the neuron specific enolase promoter to randomly generate LacZ
clones in the central nervous system (CNS), We present evidence for (1) a
pool of CNS founder cells that is not regionalized, i.e. give descendants d
ispersed along the entire A-P axis, (2) an early separation between pools o
f precursors for the anterior and posterior CNS and (3) distinct modes of p
roduction of progenitors in these two domains. More specifically, cell grow
th and dispersion of the progenitors follow a relatively coherent pattern t
hroughout the anterior CNS, a mode that leads to a progressive regionalizat
ion of cell fates. In contrast, cell growth of progenitors of the SC appear
s to involve self-renewing stem cells that progress caudally during regress
ion of the mode. Therefore, at least part of the area surrounding the node
is composed of precursors with self-renewing properties and the development
of the trunk is dependent on pools of stem cells regressing from A to P. T
aken together with our analysis of the cell growth changes associated with
neuromere formation (Mathis, L., Sieur, J., Voiculescu, O., Charnay, P. and
Nicolas, J. F. (1999) Development 126, 4095-4106), our results suggest tha
t major transitions in CNS development correspond to changes in cell behavi
or and may provide a link between morphogenesis and genetic patterning mech
anisms (i.e. formation of the body plan).