The inheritance of resistance in the rice cultivars Phalguna, ARC5984, ARC
5158, Veluthacheera, and T1477 to the Asian rice gall midge biotype 2 was s
tudied under both natural and artificial infestation conditions against the
susceptible cultivars Jaya and IR20. A single recessive gene in Veluthache
era and two recessive complementary genes in T1477 control resistance. Phal
guna and ARC5984 possess a single dominant gene while ARC5158 has a single
dominant and a single recessive gene for resistance. Allelism studies showe
d that genes for resistance in Veluthacheera and T1477 are allelic but non-
allelic to the resistance genes in Phalguna and ARC5984, which are allelic
to each other. Genes for resistance in ARC5158 are allelic to resistance ge
nes of the other four donors. There was no cytoplasmic inhibition of resist
ance by the susceptible parents.