Explaining the origin and evolution of segmentation is central to understan
ding the body plan of major animal groups such as arthropods, annelids, and
vertebrates. One major shortcoming of current views on segmentation is the
failure to recognize the existence of two layers of segmentation. I distin
guish here holomeric segmentation, involving the whole body axis (or the wh
ole axis of an appendage) and producing " true" segments (eosegments); and
meromeric segmentation, producing merosegments within one or more eosegment
(s). In terms of developmental mechanisms, meromeric segmentation is probab
ly the same as compartmentalization. This process follows two rules: (1) me
rosegments are formed from a stereotyped pattern of subdivisions, where onl
y the merosegments in contact to the anterior or posterior boundary of the
eosegment are allowed to divide; (2) contiguous eosegments undergoing merom
eric segmentation generate merosegments according to identical lineage patt
erns apart from possible lineage truncation in one or a few terminal eosegm
ents. The segmentation model proposed in this paper is mainly supported by
evidence from comparative morphology, but it is compatible with known cellu
lar and developmental mechanisms. The development of vertebrate rhombomeres
, the annulation of leeches, the subdivision of the distal part of insect a
ntenna into flagellomeres and the segmentation of centipedes are interprete
d here in terms of meromeric segmentation. Some of these phenomena, like ce
ntipede segmentation, have thus far defied all attempts at an explanation,
both in mechanistic (developmental) and phylogenetic terms. The model prese
nted in this paper suggests a rich research agenda at all levels, from mole
cular and genetic to morphological and phylogenetic.