As angiogenesis is Important to the developing eye, continued proliferation
in the post-natal period will result in a host of ocular disorders, many o
f which will lead to blindness. Significant inroads to the impedance of abe
rrant vessel growth have been derived from numerous fields of study includi
ng oncology, wound healing and ophthalmology. Angiogenesis is a complex pro
cess involving a variety of steps including: elaboration of angiogenic fact
ors, activation of receptor linked signalling pathways, altered gene expres
sion resulting in modulation of the receptor/signalling pathway or to the p
roduction of extracellular proteinases that degrade the vascular endothelia
l cell (VEC) basement membrane and components of the extracellular matrix.
Extracellular modifications are required for migration of activated VECs an
d subsequent differentiation into newly formed blood vessels. To all aspect
s of the angiogenic cascade, new drug candidates have been described and te
sted in a variety of ocular neovascularisation models. A number of these ag
ents are currently in clinical phases of investigation for disorders in bot
h the anterior and posterior segments of the eye.