We measured bone mineral density (BMD) in patients treated with a unilatera
l hydroxy-apatite-coated ankle arthroplasty. The study comprised 11 consecu
tive patients measured preoperatively and postoperatively after 3, 6, and 1
2 months (group I) and 17 patients measured once at 12 to 82 months follow-
up (group II). BMD was measured in the distal tibia adjacent to the prosthe
sis and in the calcaneus. BMD of the calcaneus was measured bilaterally as
an indicator of changes in foot load.
In group I BMD was significantly increased in the distal tibia after 6 and
12 months compared to preoperative values. In group II BMD of the distal ti
bia was significantly higher compared to the non-operated side. No radioluc
encies were detected during follow-up in any case.
The increase in BMD and the radiographic findings after uncemented ankle ar
throplasty indicates that it is being loaded by the prosthesis. This may in
dicate a well fixed prosthesis.