Thymocytes carrying MHC class I-restricted TCRs differentiate into dos T ce
lls, while those recognizing MHC class II become CD4 T cells. The mechanism
s underlying how MHC class recognition, coreceptor expression, and effector
function are coordinated are not well understood. Since the tyrosine kinas
e Lck binds with more affinity to CD4 than CD8, it has been proposed as a c
andidate to mediate this process. By using transgenic mice with altered Lck
activity, we show that thymocytes carrying a class Ii-restricted TCR devel
op into functional CD8 T cells when Lck activity is reduced. Conversely, th
ymocytes carrying a class I-restricted TCR develop into functional CD4 T ce
lls when Lck activity is increased. these results directly show that quanti
tative differences in the Lck signal control the CD4/CD8 lineage decision.