Changes in vegetation cover are known to influence the climate system by mo
difying the radiative, momentum, and hydrologic balance of the land surface
. To explore the interactions between terrestrial vegetation and the atmosp
here for doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the newly developed fully
coupled GENESIS-IBIS climate-vegetation model is used. The simulated climat
ic response to the radiative and physiological effects of elevated CO2 conc
entrations, as well as to ensuing simulated shifts in global vegetation pat
terns is investigated.
The radiative effects of elevated CO2 concentrations raise temperatures and
intensify the hydrologic cycle on the global scale. In response, soil mois
ture increases in the mid- and high latitudes by 4% and 5%, respectively. T
ropical soil moisture, however, decreases by 5% due to a decrease in precip
itation minus evapotranspiration.
The direct, physiological response of plants to elevated CO2 generally acts
to weaken the earth's hydrologic cycle by lowering transpiration rates acr
oss the globe. Lowering transpiration alone would tend to enhance soil mois
ture. However, reduced recirculation of water in the atmosphere, which lowe
rs precipitation, leads to more arid conditions overall (simulated global s
oil moisture decreases by 1%), particularly in the Tropics and midlatitudes
Allowing structural changes in the vegetation cover (in response to changes
in climate and CO2 concentrations) overrides the direct physiological effe
cts of CO2 on vegetation in many regions. For example, increased simulated
forest cover in the Tropics enhances canopy evapotranspiration overall, off
setting the decreased transpiration due to lower leaf conductance. As a res
ult of increased circulation of moisture through the hydrologic cycle, prec
ipitation increases and soil moisture returns to the value simulated with j
ust the radiative effects of elevated CO2. However, in the highly continent
al midlatitudes, changes in vegetation cover cause soil moisture to decline
by an additional 2%. Here, precipitation does not respond sufficiently to
increased plant-water uptake, due to a limited source of external moisture
into the region.
These results illustrate that vegetation feedbacks may operate differently
according to regional characteristics of the climate and vegetation cover.
In particular, it is found that CO2 fertilization can cause either an incre
ase or a decrease in available soil moisture, depending on the associated c
hanges in vegetation cover and the ability of the regional climate to recir
culate water vapor. This is indirect contrast to the View that CO2 fertiliz
ation will enhance soil moisture and runoff across the globe: a view that n
eglects changes in vegetation structure and local climatic feedbacks.