Satellite observations of temperature. water vapor, precipitation and longw
ave radiation are used to characterize the variation of the tropical hydrol
ogic and energy budgets associated with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (E
NSO). As the tropical oceans warm during an El Nino event, the precipitatio
n intensity, water vapor mass. and temperature of the tropical atmosphere a
re observed to increase, reflecting a more vigorous hydrologic cycle. The e
nhanced latent heat release and resultant atmospheric warming lead to an in
crease in the emission of longwave radiation. Atmospheric global climate mo
dels, forced with observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs), accurately repr
oduce the observed tropospheric temperature, water vapor, and outgoing long
wave radiation changes. However. the predicted variations in tropical-mean
precipitation rate and surface longwave radiation are substantially smaller
than observed. The comparison suggests that either (i) the sensitivity of
the tropical hydrological cycle to ENSO-driven changes in SST is substantia
lly underpredicted in existing climate models or (ii) that current satellit
e observations are inadequate to accurately monitor ENSO-related changes in
the tropical-mean precipitation. Either conclusion has important implicati
ons for current efforts to monitor and predict changes in the intensity of
the hydrological cycle.