Benzodiazepine use is a well-identified risk factor for falls and the resul
ting femur fractures in elderly adults. Benzodiazepines not requiring hepat
ic biotransformation may be safer than agents undergoing oxidation because
oxidative activity has been shown to decline with age. The association betw
een the use of either oxidative or nonoxidative benzodiazepines and the ris
k of femur fracture among elderly adults Living in nursing homes was studie
d. A nested case-control study was conducted using the Systematic Assessmen
t of Geriatric drug use via Epidemiology (SAGE) database; the records of 9,
752 patients hospitalized for incident femur fracture during the period 199
2 to 1996 mere extracted, matching by age, gender, state, and index date to
the records of 38,564 control patients. Conditional logistic regression mo
dels were conducted to estimate the odds ratios (ORs) for femur fracture wi
th adjustment for potential confounders. The adjusted OR for the overall us
e of benzodiazepines mas 1.10 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.98-1.20); th
e risk seemed of only slightly greater magnitude for exposure to nonoxidati
ve agents (1.18; 95% CI, 1.03-1.36) than to oxidative benzodiazepines (1.08
; 95%, CI, 0.95-1.23). Among the latter, the effect nas mainly accounted fo
r by the use of agents with a long elimination half-life. A dose relationsh
ip was observed exclusively among users of long half-life oxidative benzodi
azepines. The risk associated with the use of nonoxidative benzodiazepines
showed no relationship to the age of the patients. In contrast, patients ag
ed 85 years or older receiving oxidative benzodiazepines at high dosages or
as needed had a two- to three-fold increased risk of femur fracture than d
id patients in the younger age group, Among older individuals, the use of b
enzodiazepines slightly increased the risk of femur fracture, mainly irresp
ective of the metabolic fate of the drug. Our results suggest that the use
of nonoxidative benzodiazepines does not carry a lower risk for femur fract
ure than does the use of oxidative benzodiazepines. However, the latter age
nts may be associated with a somewhat higher risk of side effects among the
oldest old, especially at higher dosages.