Little is known about the renewal of some groups of cells in dental pulp, a
nd the occurrence and significance of physiological cell death in dental pu
lp is not yet understood. The possibility of odontoblast disappearance by a
poptosis has been proposed, and the presence of apoptotic cells in the rat
and human odontoblastic and subodontoblastic layers has been recently descr
ibed. bcl-2 and p53 are proteins involved in the apoptotic pathway, whereas
MIB-1 is a proliferating cell marker. The aim of our study was an immunohi
stochemical evaluation of bcl-2, p53, and MIB-1 in healthy normal pulps of
young human subjects. With bcl-2 immunostaining, some positive cells were f
ound in the odontoblastic and subodontoblastic layers, whereas with MIB-1,
only a few stromal cells were positive, and all odontoblasts were consisten
tly negative. No cells were positive to p53. The bcl-2 immunoreactivity of
the cells of the odontoblastic and subodontoblastic layers could help to ex
plain the presence of apoptotic cells found in these regions.