This update focuses on the bioavailability of dietary calcium for humans. F
undamentals of calcium metabolism, intestinal absorption, urinary excretion
and balance are recalled. Dietary factors, especially lactose and other mi
lk components, influencing calcium bioavailability at intestinal and renal
levels are reviewed. A critical examination of all the methods used for eva
luating calcium bioavailability is made. This includes in vitro assays, cla
ssical and isotopic balances, urinary excretion, isotope labeling in the ur
ine, plasma and bones, long term evaluation of bone mineralization and the
use of biological bone markers. Importance and advantages of animal models
are discussed. The state of the art in the comparative bioavailability of c
alcium in foods is derailed including a comparison of sources of calcium (d
airy products and calcium salts) in human studies and in some animal studie
s, casein phosphopeptides, proteins, lactose and lactase and their relation
with calcium bioavailability tin humans and rats). An update on the consum
ption of dairy products and bone mass is presented. Emphasis on peculiariti
es and advantages of calcium in milk and dairy products is given.