Aldosterone acts in mineralocorticoid-sensitive cells by binding to the min
eralocorticoid receptor (MR). Because the MR displays similar affinity for
aldosterone and glucocorticoid hormones and because these latter hormones a
re 100- to 1000-fold more abundant than aldosterone in the plasma, mechanis
ms are required to avoid permanent illicit occupancy of MR by glucocorticoi
d hormones. The main mechanism of mineralo-corticoid selectivity is enzymat
ic: the 11 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD2) metabolizes glucocortic
oid hormones into derivatives with a low affinity for MR. The cell biology
and regulation of HSD2 are reviewed in this article. as well as its implica
tions in human hypertension. Other factors play a role in mineralocorticoid
selectivity: the MR itself. the possibility to form homodimers (MR-MR), or
heterodimers (with the glucocorticoid receptor). All of these cellular eve
nts participate to successive dynamic equilibriums, which allow fine tuning
of transcriptional regulation of target genes, depending on the target tis
sue and the hormonal status.