In the past several years, evidence has accumulated that factors other than
conventional risk factors may contribute to the development of atheroscler
osis, Conventional risk factors predict less than one half of future cardio
vascular events. Furthermore, conventional risk factors may not have the sa
me causal effect in different ethnic groups in whom novel risk factors may
have a role. These newer risk factors for atherosclerosis include homocyste
ine, fibrinogen, impaired fibrinolysis, increased platelet reactivity, hype
rcoagulability, lipoprotein(a), small dense low-density lipoprotein cholest
erol, and inflammatory-infectious markers. Identification of other markers
associated with an increased risk of atherosclerotic vascular disease may a
llow better insight into the pathobiology of atherosclerosis and facilitate
the development of preventive and therapeutic measures. In this review, we
discuss the evidence associating these factors in the pathogenesis of athe
rosclerosis, the mechanism of risk, and the clinical implications of this k