Animals in complex environments must discriminate between salient and uninf
ormative sensory cues. Caenorhabditis elegans uses one pair of olfactory ne
urons called AWC to sense many different odorants, yet the animal can disti
nguish each odorant from the others in discrimination assays. We demonstrat
e that the transmembrane guanylyl cyclase ODR-1 is essential for responses
to all AWC-sensed odorants. ODR-1 appears to be a shared signaling componen
t downstream of odorant receptors. Overexpression of ODR-1 protein indicate
s that ODR-1 can influence odor discrimination and adaptation as well as ol
faction. Adaptation to one odorant, butanone, is disrupted by ODR-1 overexp
ression. Olfactory discrimination is also disrupted by ODR-1 overexpression
, probably by overproduction of the shared second messenger cGMP. We propos
e that AWC odorant signaling pathways are insulated to permit odor discrimi