In Xenopus tadpoles, all retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) send axons contralat
erally across the optic chiasm. At metamorphosis, a subpopulation of EphB-e
xpressing RGCs in the ventrotemporal retina begin to project ipsilaterally.
However, when these metamorphic RGCs are grafted into embryos, they projec
t contralaterally, suggesting that the embryonic chiasm lacks signals that
guide axons ipsilaterally. Ephrin-B is expressed discretely at the chiasm o
f metamorphic but not premetamorphic Xenopus. When expressed prematurely in
the embryonic chiasm, ephrin-B causes precocious ipsilateral projections f
rom the EphB-expressing RGCs. Ephrin-B is also found in the chiasm of mamma
ls, which have ipsilateral projections, but not in the chiasm of fish and b
irds, which do not. These results suggest that ephrin-B/EphB interactions p
lay a key role in the sorting of axons at the vertebrate chiasm.