There is increasing evidence that serum triglycerides are a significant and
independent risk factor for CVD. The aim of this report is to review recen
t literature pertinent to the triglyceride-lowering effect of omega-3 long
chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA). Animal data are not considered
because they are difficult to extrapolate to the human situation. A large
body of evidence derived from epidemiological studies and clinical trials h
as consistently demonstrated that this effect is dose-dependent and can be
achieved by diet. The smallest amount of omega-3 LC-PUFA needed to signific
antly lower serum triglycerides appears to be approximately 1g/day as provi
ded by a fish diet. Use of fish oil administering as little as 0.21 g EPA a
nd 0.12 g DHA per day significantly lowered serum triglycerides in hyperlip
idemics. In normolipidemics, a daily intake of 0.17 g EPA and 0.11 g DNA, g
iven as a fish oil supplement, induced a non-significant reduction of 22%.
These findings must be considered as preliminary and warrant further resear
ch. Intake of omega-3 LC-PUFA is frequently reported to modestly increase L
DL cholesterol. However, in normo- or slightly hyperlipidemic individuals w
ho received omega-3 LC-PUFA for 4 months or longer, changes of LDL choleste
rol were not significantly different from a placebo group. Both EPA and DHA
lower serum triglycerides, but they may have a differential effect on lipo
proteins. Intake of omega-3 LC-PUFA in the amount mentioned above is safe.
(C) 2000, Medikal Press.