Chilling injury to crop plants was first described 70 years ago and has bee
n systematically investigated with electron microscopy since the late 1960s
. Chloroplasts are the first and most severely impacted organelle. Thylakoi
ds swell and distort, starch granules disappear, and a peripheral reticulum
(vesicles arising from inner membrane of chloroplast envelope) appears. Ch
loroplast disintegration follows prolonged chilling. Mitochondria, nuclei a
nd other organelles are less susceptible to chilling injury. Organellar dev
elopment and ontogeny may also be disrupted. The inherent chilling sensitiv
ity of a plant, as well as the ability of some species to acclimate to chil
ling, influence the timing and appearance of ultrastructural injury with th
e resulting outcome being mild, moderate, or severe. Other environmental fa
ctors that exacerbate injury are irradiance, chilling duration, and water s
tatus. The physiological basis for chloroplast swelling may be linked to ch
illing-stable starch-degrading enzymes that produce soluble sugars thus low
ering stromal water potential at a time when chloroplast photosynthate expo
rt is reduced. Thylakoid dilation appears to be related to photo-oxidative
conditions produced during chilling in the light. The peripheral reticulum
is proposed to increase surface area of the transport-limiting membrane (ch
loroplast inner membrane) in response to the chilling-induced reduction in
metabolite transport. Many of the ultrastructural symptoms appearing during
moderate stress resemble those seen in programmed cell death. Future resea
rch directions are discussed.