Tunable excimer lasers are being used to produce species-, space-, and
time-resolved images of complex gaseous media. These media may be ana
lyzed for composition, density, temperature, or flow velocities. The t
echniques are, in general, highly selective, sensitive, and nonintrusi
ve and are being made possible by recent technological developments in
these UV lasers and in intensified cameras, imaging spectrographs, an
d fast digital image processing. We describe the needs for laser diagn
ostics in combustion, the physical mechanisms, the relevant spectrosco
py, typical experimental setups, and equipment considerations. Precisi
on and accuracy are discussed on the basis of some simple, but realist
ic, calculations intended to guide the experimentalist in design consi
derations and to reveal potential sources of errors in the often diffi
cult conversion of raw data to values for such quantitative parameters
as densities or temperatures. Finally we present an overview of previ
ous results, select some examples that show the power of tunable excim
er laser diagnostics in combustion, and present some suggestions for f
uture directions. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.