Large (about 5 per mil) millennial-scale benthic foraminiferal carbon isoto
pic oscillations in the Santa Barbara Basin during the last 60,000 years re
flect widespread shoaling of sedimentary methane gradients and increased ou
tgassing from gas hydrate dissociation during interstadials. Furthermore, s
everal Large, brief, negative excursions (up to -6 per mil) coinciding with
smaller shifts (up to -3 per mil) in depth-stratified planktonic foraminif
eral species indicate massive releases of methane from basin sediments. Gas
hydrate stability was modulated by intermediate-water temperature changes
induced by switches in thermohaline circulation. These oscillations were Li
kely widespread along the California margin and elsewhere, affecting gas hy
drate instability and contributing to millennial-scale atmospheric methane