Except in the case of very low-bit signals (images), unconstrained design o
f mean-square-error optimal digital window-based filters from sample signal
s is hampered by the inability to obtain sufficient data to make acceptably
precise estimates of the large number of conditional expectations required
for the filter. Even under typical nonlinear constraints such as increasin
gness or iterative decomposition, estimation remains intractable. This pape
r mitigates the estimation dilemma by windowing in the range, as well as in
the domain. At each point, the signal is viewed through an aperture, which
is the product between a domain window and a gray-range window that is cho
sen according to the signal values in the domain window. Signal values abov
e and below the range window are projected into the top and bottom of the a
perture, respectively. This projection compresses the probability mass of t
he observed signal into a smaller set of variables in such a way as not to
alter the mass of observations within the aperture (which carry the most ma
ss) and minimally alter the mass of those outside the aperture. Experiments
show that, as opposed to commonly employed increasing nonlinear filters, a
perture filters can outperform linear filters for deblurring, especially in
the restoration of edges. This paper addresses several issues concerning a
perture filters: positioning of the aperture, the effect of range constrain
t on probability mass, the size of the aperture relative to estimation prec
ision and the amount of training data, estimation of conditional probabilit
ies, and representation by decision trees. A sampling is provided of the ma
ny experiments carried out to study the effects of aperture filters on corr
uption by additive noise and blurring. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All r
ights reserved.