Aspergillus aculeatus, a rhizosphere isolate of gram (Cicer ariatenum) inva
riably solubilized both foreign (China and Senegal) and Indian (Hirapur, Ud
aipur, Sonrai) rock phosphates (RP). Arabinose proved superior to glucose a
mong 11 carbon compounds tested. All the test carbon sources, except lactos
e, supported good growth regardless of their phosphate solubilization. Ammo
nium sulphate was the best nitrogen source followed by urea and asparagine.
Nitrates, while supporting good growth, did not support good phosphate sol
ubilization. Maximum phosphate solubilization (PS), growth and acidity of t
he medium never occurred simultaneously with all C-to-N ratios (8 to 120).
The chelator nitrilotriacetic acid increased RP solubilization at 2 mg ml(-
1) while diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid enhanced PS only at 6 mg ml(-1)
, while ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, aluminon and oxine inhibited PS at
all concentrations tested. Although increasing concentration of RP in the
culture medium favoured mycelium growth and a decrease in pH, soluble phosp
hate concentrations were reduced, probably owing to consumption by the rapi
dly growing fungus. Acidic pH accompanied PS in all the experiments. Howeve
r, no specific correlation could be established between maximum PS, growth
or pH. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.