Surface reconstructions often result in novel growth morphologies, and are
therefore of potential technological interest. The Au(lll) surface will rec
onstruct into the 22 x root 3 "herringbone" structure. Low coverages (up to
0.3 monolayers) have been studied with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
at room temperature, to determine the impact of the reconstruction on diff
usion and thin film growth. The same system has been studied using embedded
-atom model molecular dynamics (EAM-MD). These simulations, in addition to
providing morphological information, permit qualitative comparison of diffu
sion phenomena. Experimental results indicate that initial sites for Pb ads
orption are located at the herringbone kinks. For higher coverages, Pb pref
ers hcp and fee stacking regions, avoiding the herringbone ridges. The reco
nstruction is removed for some coverage between 0.05 and 0.2 monolayers. ST
M and EAM results will be compared.