Development and laboratory testing of a small instrument capable of recogni
zing and quantifying multiple organic vapors at low- and sub-ppm concentrat
ions is described. The instrument is slightly larger than a standard person
al sampling pump and employs an array of three polymer-coated surface-acous
tic-wave microsensors for vapor detection. Vapors are first trapped on a mi
niature adsorbent preconcentrator housed within the instrument and then the
rmally desorbed for analysis by the microsensor array. Each measurement cyc
le requires 5.5 min. The collective responses from the array are stored and
then analyzed using pattern recognition methods to yield the identities an
d concentrations of collected vapors and vapor mixture components. Followin
g initial optimization of instrument operating parameters, calibrations wer
e performed with 16 organic solvent vapors and selected mixtures to establi
sh a response library for each of two identical instruments. Limits of dete
ction less than or equal to 0.1 x threshold limit value were obtained for m
ost vapors. In a series of 90 subsequent exposure tests, vapors were recogn
ized with an error of <6% (individual vapor challenges) and <16% (binary mi
xture challenges) and quantified with an average error of <10%. Monte Carte
simulations were coupled with pattern recognition analyses to predict the
performance for many possible vapor mixtures and sensor combinations. Predi
cted recognition errors ranged from <1 to 24%. Performance is shown to depe
nd significantly on the interfacial polymer layers deposited on the sensors
in the array and the nature and complexity of the vapor mixtures being ana
lyzed. Results establish the capability of this technology to provide selec
tive multivapor monitoring of personal exposures in workplace environments.