OBJECTIVE: To assess the value of quantitative methods in the differential
diagnosis between ovarian carcinoma cells and mesothelial cells in ascitic
STUDY DESIGN: Ninety ascitic fluid samples, previously reported as positive
for ovarian carcinoma (30 cases), suspicious for malignancy (30) and negat
ive for malignancy, containing only reactive mesothelial cells (30), were r
etrieved from the files. In each of these specimens the nuclear area, perim
eter, roundness and shape coefficient of 100 cells were determined at 630x
magnification. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of varianc
e and, for multiple comparisons, the Student-Newman-Keuls technique.
RESULTS: Mean values for nuclear area and perimeter were higher in malignan
t cells as compared to reactive mesothelial cells, whereas those for roundn
ess and shape coefficients were lower. All differences were statistically s
ignificant, the former two at a .05 level and the latter at the .001 level.
CONCLUSION: Quantitative methods can reliably support the differential diag
nosis between ovarian carcinoma cells and mesothelial cells in ascitic flui
d specimens.