Skeletochronology, used to assess some life history traits in the viviparou
s African toad, enables us to determine that longevity in natura does not e
xceed 5 years in females and reaches at least 2 years in males. After sexua
l maturity, reached at four months, the rate of osteogenesis decreases, as
probably does body growth. In this study we discovered a strong endosteal b
one resorption in long bone cortices in both males and females. This phenom
ena only occurs during the first resting period. This period occurs from Oc
tober (individuals of 5 months old) to March (individuals of 10 months old)
. During this time toads are underground and their metabolism is thought to
be low. The origin of such an endosteal resorption remains more or less un
known. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.