Objective: the aim of the study was to determine the rates of depressive an
d anxiety disorders among HIV-positive subjects, and to identify risk facto
rs for these disorders. Method: 31 seropositive outpatients treated in a da
y hospital care unit were included. None of them had AIDS. Each patient was
assessed with a semi-structured interview (Mini International Neuropsychia
tric Interview) giving DSM-IV diagnoses. Scores of depression and anxiety w
ere evaluated using the MADRS, the CES-D and the COVI. The Social Support Q
uestionnaire was used to assess social support. Results: in our sample, mor
e than one out of three the subjects presented with a current diagnosis of
depressive disorder (major depressive disorder or dysthymia) and 38.7% with
a diagnosis of anxiety disorder. An association was found between a low de
gree of satisfaction with the social support and a current diagnosis of anx
iety and/or depressive disorder. We also found that subjects with a short t
ime elapsed since the serostatus notification were more likely present with
a current depressive disorder.