Dyskinesias are observed in the majority of Parkinson's disease (PD) patien
ts who have been chronically exposed to levodopa, and these may result from
supersensitivity of postsynaptic striatal dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptors f
ollowing loss of nigral dopaminergic projections. Dyskinetic and nondyskine
tic PD patients were studied using C-11-SCH23390 and C-11-raclopride positr
on emission tomography (PET). No difference in mean putamen or caudate D-1
or D-2 receptor binding between the two patient subgroups was found, sugges
ting that dyskinesias are unlikely to arise from a primary disturbance of d
opamine receptor availability. When dyskinetic and nondyskinetic patients w
ere studied with C-11-diprenorphine PET, the former showed a significant re
duction (p < 0.05) in striatal and thalamic opioid site availability, compa
tible with the presence of raised levels of endogenous opioid peptides. (H2
O)-O-15 PET activation studies of patients with focal limb dyskinesias show
ed that resting levels of regional cerebral blood now after oral levodopa w
ere increased during dyskinesias in lentiform nuclei, motor, premotor and d
orsal prefrontal cortex. These results suggest that dyskinesias are associa
ted with derangement of basal ganglia opioid transmission, resulting in ove
ractivity of basal ganglia-frontal projections.